Friday, July 17, 2009

Social Overload - tips for dipping in the Social Ocean

Is it possible that the mere influx of so many "social" options is actually doing more to drive people away from participating than it is enticing them to "tweet."

If you're like me it took me a while to dip my toe into the social ocean because I simply didn't know where to begin, what venue was best suited for my personality (very important), and what harm I would do by dabbling in any given space. So what did I do? I took it very slow and experimented for several weeks before deciding on where I liked to play.

I started with LinkedIn by joining few groups that appealed to me. I then created a Facebook account and spent several days WATCHING before doing anything. In both cases, I did nothing, meaning I did not write anything on either site, for the first two weeks. These platforms aren't going anywhere so there was no need to rush.

After watching for several days I was finally comfortable enough to engage and submit a few posts. Much to my surprise others began to comment on what I had to say, however uappealing I may have thought my posts were, and I found myself involved in several conversations.

Finally, I joined Twitter but I'm still struggling to find and create a voice for that particular platform so I'll keep you posted.

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